The Elements of Typographic Style by Robert Bringhurst
- The book which sparked this website.
Web Typography by Richard Rutter
- A handbook for designing beautiful and effective responsive typography. The book this website grew into.
Grid Systems in Graphic Design by Josef Müller-Brockmann
- The definitive word on using grid systems in graphic design. With examples on how to work correctly at a conceptual level and exact instructions for using all of the systems, this is as valid for the Web as it is for print.
References & Tutorials
- Alan Wood’s Unicode Tests
- Massively comprehensive resource for locating and testing Unicode characters.
- How to size text using ems
- Tutorial on Clagnut which explains in detail how to size text on websites using ems. Covers the issues of inheritance and transitioning from pixel-based text sizing.
- Em Calculator
- Handy online tool for converting pixels to ems.
- How to Size Text in CSS
- A best practice that satisfies designers and users and works across browsers and platforms.
- The amazing em unit and other best practices
- Font sizing tutorial from the W3C.
- Figuring It Out: OSF, LF, and TF Explained
- Great explanation of lining, old-style (text) and tabular figures from FontShop.
- Typographica
- A journal of typography featuring news, observations, and open commentary on fonts and typographic design.
- A regular digest and commentary on the typography and design industry, written by designers from around the world.
- Typophile
- Collaborative blog with typographic news and views from around the world. Also present is a forum and a gradually evolving wiki.
- I Love Typography
- Bold, graphical blog devoted to typography, type, fonts and typefaces.
- Joe Clark on typography
- Typography found and discussed.
- Clagnut on typography
- An ever growing list of typographic links at Clagnut.
- Ministry of Type
- Fabulous blog on published type from Aegir Hallmundur.
- Type For You
- More great typographic blogging.
- Typesites
- Critiques of typographically eminent websites.
- HTML 4.01
- XHTML 1.0
- CSS2.1
- CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders Module
- CSS3 Box Model Module
- CSS3 Fonts Module
- CSS3 Generated and Replaced Content Module
- CSS3 Line Module
- CSS3 Lists Module
- CSS3 Multi-column Layout Module
- CSS3 Paged Media Module
- CSS3 Text Effects Module
- CSS3 Web Fonts Module